Popular Questions
Our standard delivery is 3-5 working days if you place your order before 2pm Mon- Thurs and we will do all we can to ensure next working day delivery.
You can track your order and the status of your order online, if your estimated delivery date has passed and your order hasn’t arrived please contact a member of the team.
If any items are unfortunately broken in transit by circumstances beyond our control, you can return them to us via our address and once received we can refund or send out a replacement. more information about returns is available here.
Yes it does, We love our chocolate and want you to feel the same. So, if you are not 100% happy with your purchase, we want to know about it so we can put it right.
Contact a member of the team we will go all out to make sure we either refund or replace your item. We promise to be friendly and prompt in our reply, so you feel confident that we will do all we can to make you fall in love with us all over again.