
Veganuary Week 2

It’s our second week of Veganuary, and for some of us it’s getting easier – and for some it’s getting more difficult! The cravings begin to kick in, and the temptation becomes real. However – it can actually be pretty easy to satisfy those cravings as some many supermarkets have brought out vegan ranges now. James, Ian and Lisa have been cooking up a storm once again, and have been tried and tested in their second week of being vegan…


My second week of being vegan has been a funny one – I’ve started to get a bit more used to not eating meat – but I’ve found my biggest challenge to be giving up dairy – milk, cheese and milk chocolate – it’s tough! There are of course alternatives, but I haven’t enjoyed the vegan cheese – I can’t quite get my head around it. I’ve also missed having eggs for breakfast too, and the side effects have started to kick in; I’ve had some pretty bad headaches! 

I have however felt like I’ve had more energy, and I feel like I’m really detoxing which is great! My second week of veganuary involved making a vegan cottage pie using lentils, and we also tried the Richmond meat free sausages – they were pretty good! Linda bought some vegan steak bakes into the office, and I’ve got to say – they were amazing! I tried the Greggs vegan sausage roll too; I preferred the steak bake; but the sausage roll was still pretty good.

I have really enjoyed the Wicked Kitchen’s ‘Sticky Toffee Pudding’, and also the gelatine free Colin the Caterpillars from M&S.


I am not going to lie, it’s been a harder week for me. Breakfast and lunch are going really well, but dinner is hard! The preparation that is needed after both me and Rachel being at work is not what I am used to. I have had Sweet Potato Burgers, and tried a Jack Fruit and Chickpea Thai Green Curry. I’ve also tried some plant based mince, and more tofu based dishes. The cravings for a Pork Pie or a Scotch Egg are as big as ever!


This week I’ve got past my wanting any meat products at all, which is great, however I have to admit I do miss being able to have eggs, as they are quite a quick and easy fix for a breakfast or evening meal. Time wise it definitely takes longer than my usual cooking, but this may only be until I am fully in the swing of things and doing a recipe consistently and I am finding I am needing to add extra seasonings to get a good flavour.


About Lisa Bone

Design & Marketing Associate for Choc affair. I am 23 years old and live in the beautiful city that is York! I love baking and creating new recipes for the Cocoa Corner. My favourite chocolate just has to be our Salted Caramel Milk Chocolate - it's extremely more-ish - so I have to be careful if there's any about!