
About Lisa Bone

Design & Marketing Associate for Choc affair. I am 23 years old and live in the beautiful city that is York! I love baking and creating new recipes for the Cocoa Corner. My favourite chocolate just has to be our Salted Caramel Milk Chocolate - it's extremely more-ish - so I have to be careful if there's any about!


Vietnam – Origin Collection

With a diverse geography of rolling hills, plains, and great beaches, Vietnam is a country of contrasts; and unlike most other countries of similar size, extends across two climatic zones, with a moderate climate in the North, and a tropical...

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Origin Collection – Peru

Known for it’s beauty and mysterious secrets, Peru is a country based in South America that truly has life at the centre of it’s being. Peru is famous for it’s biodiversity across the land, by being classed as a megadiverse...

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A bar of dark chocolate next to chocolate buttons and hot chocolate powder

The Benefits of Dark Chocolate

In recent years, it has become more and more well-known that there are potential health benefits to consuming dark chocolate and cocoa products; which in my humble opinion is wonderful! Cocoa is one of the most polyphenol-rich of the commonly...

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